Other Colours
Published by 221A
Produced by Brick Press
2019, English
softcover, 24 pages
25 x 19.5 cm, 11 individual colour swatches in plastic envelope
$120.00 CDN Add to Cart
Edition of 85, with 15 Artist Proofs
Other Colours was conceived in response to the Vancouver Heritage Foundation’s True Colours, a program that offers grants to incentivize homeowners to restore heritage homes to their ‘true’ Victorian-era 1880–1930 colours, with paint swatches such as “Oxford Bluff” and “Edwardian Pewter”. Canada’s colonial history is a violent history that must be questioned, not ceremoniously replicated. The True Colours program has been deployed largely in support of the gentrification of inner city neighbourhoods, particularly those with a history of immigrant struggle where homes were painted colours that represented diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences of the city. 221A led a Research Initiative with 10 contributors who were asked to provide a swatch for an “Other Colours palette” that would offer alternatives to the True Colours program based on the contributors’ lived experience, cultural traditions and artistic practices. Each Other Colours palette selection is detailed by the contributor with an original text or artwork. This collection of short prose, poetry and social history, printed by Brick Press as an Artist’s Book, offers a more pluralistic account of the city’s built environment and identity.
With contributions by Hadani Ditmars, Am Johal, Life of a Craphead, Patrick Condon, Steffanie Ling, Chinatown Concern Group, Donato Mancini, Brian McBay, Douglas McBay, Ellis Sam, Trevor Yeung
Learn more: https://221a.ca/research-initiatives/other-colours
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